Nature Conservation Dresden endangered animals

Photo by K. MÜNDEL

The otter (Lutra lutra) is a typical example of endangered animals. Originally it could be found in the whole range of Europe. But now it is extirpated from most parts of central Europe, mainly due to water pollution, hydraulic engineering and stress caused by settled areas as well as traffic. Therefore the otter is declared, in the Councile Directive of the European Community on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (Annex II), as a priority specieswhich needs specially protected habitats.

Until recently there have been small but stable populations of the otter in the eastern part of Saxony, which could be growing nuclii of future dispersal of this species. Now these populations are highly endangered by the recent development of land use and traffic in that area.

Nature Conservation Dresden will purchase lands containing habitats of endangered animals. In the case of the otter these are standing as well as running waters with surrounding grass lands etc.